Author: Valentina Stratan
Journal of Socio-Human Sciences no. 2 (48) /2021
Journal of Socio-Human Sciences no. 1 (47) /2021
Journal of Socio-Human Sciences no. 3 (46) /2020
Journal of Socio-Human Sciences no. 2 (45) /2020
Journal of Socio-Human Sciences no. 2 (45) 2020 CONTENT Dumbraveanu Roza Considerations in the development of video lessons 4 Galben-Panciuc Zinaida Convergent teaching strategies towards the development of specific competencies in the discipline of Science, the primary stage of education 23 Simerețchii Margareta Criteria and indicators for determining the efficiency of the school management team 37 Postolachi Iulia The role of the managerial competences of the teachers in the primary education 43 Ichim Viorica Teaching english through proverbs 53 Величковская Юлия Зарождение идеи антиколониального сопротивления…
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