Journal of Socio-Human Sciences no. 1 (44) 2020 CONTENT Dumbraveanu Roza Massive Open Online Courses in the profesional development of teachers 4 Aniela Amihălăchioae, Ludmila Ursu Interdisciplinarity. Retrospective, present and perspective 12 Maria Pleşca The psycho-emotional profile of the young social active 26 Oxana Gherman Interactive strategies for lyric text teaching 31 Anna Bolucencova Holocaust and its use in moral education of the personality 47 Anna Bolucencova Ethical and pedagogical requirements for the culture of a modern teacher 54 Viorel Bolduma Internal activity of…
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Journal of Socio-Human Sciences no. 3 (43) 2019 CUPRINS Maria Pleşca Emotional intelligence – interaction factor in conflict 6 Rodica Ursachi Spiritual valences in the ceramics of the Cucuteni-Tripolie culture. Between faith and art 11 Lidia Strah Linguistic diversity – an essential factor in plurilingual education 23 Lidia Strah The functions of the text in a specific communication situation 28 Мога Николай Данилович Special means of correctional physical education for young children with spastic syndrome of motor disorders 35 Мога Николай Данилович The system of…
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Journal of Socio-Human Sciences no. 1 (41) 2019 CONTENT Angela Cutasevici Training of behavior oriented towards personal security in primary classes. Legal coordination and curriculum coordination 6 Lucia Schiopu Critical thinking – a transversal competency in the context of modern education 17 Rodica Ursachi Empirical trails in the painting of Leonardo da Vinci 25 Maria Pleșca Aspects of interpersonal communication at preadolescents 36 Adriana Ciobanu Communicating as a factor of language development in children with autistic spectrum disorders 44 Самойленко Н.И., Сембрат А.Л. Features of…
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Journal of Socio-Human Sciences no. 1 (41) 2019 CONTENT Angela Cutasevici Training of behavior oriented towards personal security in primary classes. Legal coordination and curriculum coordination 6 Lucia Schiopu Critical thinking – a transversal competency in the context of modern education 17 Rodica Ursachi Empirical trails in the painting of Leonardo da Vinci 25 Maria Pleșca Aspects of interpersonal communication at preadolescents 36 Adriana Ciobanu Communicating as a factor of language development in children with autistic spectrum disorders 44 Самойленко Н.И., Сембрат А.Л. Features of…
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