
 Terms of Collaboration

The articles and studies sent to our editorial office must be about 8-12 pages (about 3,000 signs per page) in .doc format. The reviews or the scientific notes should not exceed three pages. We receive only electronically processed texts, including via E-mail (

Please accompany your article with a summary (maximum 2,000 characters), the keywords and title are to be in Romanian and in a language of international circulation, and a short presentation of the author (scientific and/or didactic titles, institution of affiliation, areas of professional interest). Articles in foreign languages will have a summary in Romanian.

When drafting the articles, the current official spelling is to be used and the rules of the last edition of DOOM will apply. The process of reviewing the manuscripts begins with the presentation of the author’s manuscript and is performed in three stages.

First stage: At the level of the editorial board, the initial evaluation of all manuscripts submitted for editing is carried out in order to verify: originality; conceptual, methodological correctness etc.; language errors and typing errors, etc.

Second stage: If the editorial board, following the first stage, accepted the manuscript, then it is subjected to the anonymous double review. The anonymous double review evaluates the actuality, the novelty of the investigated problem, the originality of the results obtained, the significance of these results, the correctness of the processing results, the presentation, analysis and interpretation of the data, the compliance with the volume of the illustrative material (figures, tables, etc.), the quality of the summaries, etc.

Third stage: is the presentation of the positive assessment of the material and the recommendation by the reviewers of the article for further processing. If there are suggestions and recommendations, after reviewing the article, it is presented again to the editorial college. The editorial board takes the final decision concerning the publication of the article.

To view the contents of the issued articles, please see the Archives, and for the current publication, see the heading Current Issue. To access the summaries (in Romanian or in an international language), please click on the title of the article in the table of contents  (see Archives).

Drafting rules. General information

The text of the article will be written in WORD using the Times New Roman font, Body 12. The article’s notes will be written with body 10 at the bottom of the text page (footnotes). Subtitles will be marked in bold characters. If the articles are divided into paragraphs, the digits indicating the paragraphs will also be drawn in bold, including the point after each digit. After the dots, in this situation, there is no white space.  Ex: 1.2. etc.; 1.2.1., etc.

If the article has several illustrative materials, they will be further numbered, by categories, from 1 to n (e.g.: Table 1, Table 2 etc., Drawing 1, Drawing 2 etc., Figure 1, Figure 2 etc.).


  • It will not be used, either in the text, or in the notes, any abbreviation for see
  • It will not be used, either in the text, or in the notes, any abbreviation for idem (used only to replace the author/authors name/s) and ibidem (used to replace the titles of studies or books, synonymous with the same place)
  • Quoted place abbreviated place. cit., with italics; the same, with italics, will be written above, infra, passim. The quoted work and article quoted abbreviate op. cit., art. cit., in cursive letters; op. cit. is used for books, volumes etc., and art. cit., articles, studies, etc. published in collective volumes, periodicals and others.
  • s.v. (= under voice) are picked up in normal letters (not emphasized) and there is no space left between s. and v.

In the materials written in Romanian, it will be exclusively used the quotation marks “…” (99…99); those written in other languages, they will use specific models, imposed in use: in English–”…”, in French – « … »; the latter will also be used in Romanian materials, if in a quotation it is necessary to use the second row of quotation marks.

For book presentations it is to be indicated: the name of the author or editor, the coordinator (followed, in the latter cases, by the words ed. or coord.), the title of the book (and, where applicable, the subheading, separated from the title by a point), volume (if any), place of publication, publishing house (no quotes of any kind), year of publication, number of pages, maps etc. At the end, put a point.


Golu, Mihai, Fundamentele psihologiei, București, Editura Fundaţiei România de Mâine, 2007.

Bibliographic references

The Journal also accepts US reference material (author – date). In this case, the rules of the latest edition of The Chicago Manual of Style will apply (URL:

For European references (footnotes and bibliography), the following rules will apply:

  1. Books: the name and surname of the author (or authors), title of the book (and subtitle, separated from the title by point), with italics the edition, care edition, preface, notes, etc., with a dot after the title (subtitle) and initial capital letter; the volume (or/and part), with roman numerals; place of publication, publisher, year of publication, page marked by p. (to be avoided in Romanian articles  indications such as pag., pp. This last notation (pp.) will be used exclusively in articles published in languages other than Romanian). When referring to multiple pages, the hyphen (-) will not be used, but the pause line (-)

(e.g.: p. 1 – 18).


Coteanu, Ion, Sala, Marius, Etimologia şi limba română, Bucureşti, Editura Academiei RSR, 1987, p. 60.

Puşcariu, Sextil, Cercetări şi studii. Ediţie îngrijită de Ilie Dan. Prefaţă de Gavril Istrate, Bucureşti, Editura Minerva, 1974, p. 188.

  1. Articles in periodical publications: author’s name and surname, title of article in italics,  indication of title (or logo) of the periodical publication in quotation marks, the year of occurrence (with Roman numerals), calendar year (with Arabic numerals), number (preceded by the indication no.), page (marked the same way as the books).

E.g. Ciocârlan, V., Poarta Otomană și gurile Dunării la finele sec. al XV-lea, în Revistă de Istorie, 1985, nr. 2, p. 1066.

iii. Studies published in anniversary, collective volumes etc.:  after the indication in, will follow the title of the volume with italics; if the volume from which a study is quoted belongs entirely to the author, after in will be put ditto.


Mischevca,   Vlad, Problema basarabeană – 190 de ani, în Republica Moldova şi România – un deceniu de relaţii complexe, Chişinău, Pontos, 2002, p. 37–41.

Jakobson, R., Lingvistică şi poetică. Aprecieri retrospective şi consideraţii de perspectivă, în Probleme de stilistică, Bucureşti, Editura Ştiinţifică, 1964, p. 86.

If bibliographic abbreviations are used (in notes or in a bibliography), they must be “decoded” in a separate section at the end of the article before the summary. The section will be titled BIBLIOGRAPHICAL ABBREVIATIONS or BIBLIOGRAPHY.


Cristea 2010 = Cristea, Sorin, Fundamentele Pedagogiei, Iaşi, Polirom, 2010, p. 67.